
A glowing review for The Grumpy Mole

Young Evan, in his first-ever book review, recommends The Grumpy Mole because he loves the beautiful illustrations and the message: “It’s about kindness, because the mole is angry at the creatures but they still help him.” Watch Evan’s review on Suzy and Friends, on YouTube at Thanks Suzy, and thank you Evan!


Grumpy Mole Fashion Statement

Big yellow glasses (as worn by my favourite mole) acquired for my next public reading of The Grumpy Mole. A fashion statement from the mole’s wardrobe!

The Grumpy Mole is available at Dorothy Butler Children’s Bookshop, Time Out, a smattering of independent bookshops across the country … and my writer’s website




Children’s TV icon Suzy Cato reads The Grumpy Mole

What a thrill to have the legendary Suzy Cato read The Grumpy Mole on YouTube for Suzy’s Book Corner!  “What a grump the Grumpy Mole is!” said Suzy. “But what a wonderful story!”

You can go to Suzy’s reading by clicking


The artist behind those beautiful pictures

Illustrator Minky Stapleton was Guest of Honour at today’s launch of The Grumpy Mole picture book. Minky drew all the characters and designed the book. “Minky created a wonderful world of tiny creatures which are at the heart of the book,” said author John Evan Harris. “I’m incredibly grateful.”  Minky was on hand (centre in picture) to sign copies of the book for eager young fans.


Up up and away – The Grumpy Mole launched

The Grumpy Mole picture book was launched today (3 October) at the famous Dorothy Butler Children’s Bookshop in Ponsonby Auckland. Author John Evan Harris read his story to a small crowd of small people in front of the mole’s house. The young readers went home with stickers, pens and a colouring-in sheet.


Grumpy Mole launch this Thursday morning

The Grumpy Mole picture book will be officially launched at 10.30 this Thursday morning, 3 October, at the award-winning Dorothy Butler Bookshop in Ponsonby.

Author John Evan Harris will read his story, and he hopes children will come dressed as the tiny forest creatures featured in The Grumpy Mole. “I know at least one butterfly and a bumble bee who are coming.”

The book’s beautiful illustrations are by Auckland artist Minky Stapleton, who is well known for her books and book cover designs.


Arrival of The Grumpy Mole

And now for something completely different… I am very happy to announce the arrival of The Grumpy Mole, a picture book aimed at children aged 3 to 8.

The story is by John Evan Harris, and the beautiful pictures are the work of acclaimed illustrator Minky Stapleton. Parents and grandparents will have fun reading the rhyming story to their young ones.  The book’s themes are kindness and forgiveness.


“This book’s about me”

Henry Appleton is the star of his own book, Henry Appleton Boy Hero and the Burgess Gang. The town of Nelson dubbed him a ‘boy hero’ when he helped stop a robber getting away with the money he’d stolen from the bank. More about that later.

The book is now available on Amazon.


“I know who did it”

We’ve had a lot of positive feedback to the Instagram posts featuring ‘Henry Appleton’. Each short ‘episode’ has referred to one of the many adventures in the book Henry Appleton Boy Hero and the Burgess Gang. Take a look!

The book is available from Amazon.


“My name’s Henry” series

Instagram has begun screening a series of short videos featuring actor Marlon Mair as Henry Appleton.

He begins, “My name’s Henry.  Henry Appleton,” and then talks about an incident from the book “Henry Appleton Boy Hero and the Burgess Gang”.

The first clip has Henry standing in front of a poster which offers a reward for information about a group of businessmen who’ve gone missing – believed murdered – in the Nelson hills. Henry ends by saying, “I know who did it”. 

Author John Evan Harris says he hopes the video clips will prompt people to visit Amazon to buy a copy of the book.


New book: The Grumpy Mole

Exciting news – my book The Grumpy Mole arrives from the printers in the first week of September. This rhyming story is aimed at children aged 2 – 5 years, and it’s all about kindness and forgiveness.

The beautiful pictures are by Auckland artist and designer, Minky Stapleton. Earlier this week, at the Christian Booksellers book fair, I received enough interest in The Grumpy Mole to indicate that it will be a best seller. Mums, Dads and Grandparents will have fun reading the story to their children.


Boy Hero ‘Highly Recommended’

‘Vivid imagery’ ….’fast-paced action’. These are phrases reviewer Karen Seth uses to describe Henry Appleton Boy Hero in the latest Read NZ School Library online.

In giving the book a ‘Highly Recommended’ stamp, Karen says: ‘John Evan Harris creates an enticing world with vivid imagery and fast paced action that young people will be ensnared by. The story is supported by sketches, great for students who like a little help with visualising.’

(Pictured: Charles Cummings’ sketch shows Henry propelling dime novelist Johnny Slick out of the way of a charging beast.

To read the full review go to


A ‘face’ for Boy Hero

Young actor Marlon Mair has been recruited to be the ‘face’ of Henry Appleton, Boy Hero and The Physician’s Gun. The picture shows Marlon, dressed in period costume, getting ready for a photo shoot with photographer Bridget Webber and casting director Greta Gregory.

“Marlon has just the right ‘look’ for Henry Appleton,” says author John Evan Harris. “Open, honest, adventurous and cheeky.”

Marlon’s photo will be used to promote both books which feature Henry Appleton’s adventures in Nelson in 1866, including his encounters with the ruthless Burgess Gang.


Boy Hero hits the shops

Henry Appleton, Boy Hero is now officially launched and hitting the bookshops. The celebratory cake has been cut (see photo), and John Evan Harris’s second book is now available for all to enjoy.


Boy Hero Official launch

Henry Appleton Boy Hero will be officially launched on 7 March. The book is distributed by Nationwide Books, and will appear in bookshops soon.

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